Welcome! We’re a wife-husband duo team working under the supervision of our 1-year old girl boss, making crafty goods to last a lifetime! We take great pride in our work and strive to craft the perfect piece for your home. We hope you love our crafts as much as we love making them. Thank you for supporting our business!


Shop members

  • Baby

    Girl Boss / Supervisor

    Baby is a one-year old girl boss who supervises the team to make sure all orders are completed and shipped on time. She often requires that Cocomelon, Baby Shark and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse be played during work hours.

  • Mama

    Designer, Photographer

    This mama wears many hats to ensure business is running smoothly. Designing is a pastime favorite of hers and being able to design special pieces for customers brings her so much joy.

  • Dada

    Creator, Design Assistant, Webmaster

    Dada brings the designs to life! He has many skills: woodworking, welding, IT and so much more that keeps the business thriving.